Integrative Psychotherapist

Jenna Stoodley

Jenna is a qualified integrative psychotherapist and a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Integrative psychotherapist Jenna Stoodley

About Jenna Stoodley

Jenna is a qualified integrative psychotherapist and a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Jenna has studied Person-centred theory, CBT and Transactional analysis and blends these theories together into an integrative practice that is individualised to suit each client’s needs. Jenna has level 2 training in DBT skills and continues to develop this knowledge within Home Counties Therapy. Jenna continuously develops her professional practice to integrate new knowledge and complementary theories to ensure that she is able to work with a diverse range of clients.

Jenna uses her knowledge, skills and experience to ensure that each client is put at the centre of the work, providing each client with the support they may need and nurturing a confidential and judgement-free space, where clients may feel comfortable enough to work towards a better understanding of themselves and their experiences.

Jenna Stoodley's Experience

Jenna has experience working as a therapist within a local authority educational support centre, supporting the parents of children who are experiencing difficulties within the mainstream school system.

Jenna has experience working with clients who are experiencing low mood and depression, anxiety, loss, difficulty in relationships, neurodiversity, suicidal thoughts, trauma, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and intrusive thoughts, abuse and neglect. Before becoming a psychotherapist, Jenna was working within a Not for profit Disabled People’s Organisation and has supported disabled people to access social support, work and benefits.

Services Offered By Jenna Stoodley

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